The Oort Cloud Forces, Recalibration Card

The Oort Cloud Forces, Recalibration Card


7 disponibili

The Oort Cloud Etherical Forces, Informative Field,  it is designed to cleanse and remold the strength of etheric boundaries.

Ogni tessera F-Aurea è un supporto artistico appositamente creato per un Campo Informativo. F-Aurea Card is an artistic support for an F-Aurea Informational Field.

7 disponibili



THE OORT CLOUD. Etheric Force of the Oort Cloud. Is a hypothetical cloud of ice crystals located at the edge of the Solar System, from which comets originate. While it remains an unverified hypothesis, there exists an etheric force that corresponds to it, known as the Force of Boundaries. The Informational Field assists in remodulating and cleansing personal and inner boundaries, albeit in a manner different from MARS. The force of the OORT CLOUD helps in reshaping boundaries with the world, either scaling down or expanding. It is beneficial for practitioners aiming to both expand and stabilize their potential. Additionally, it acts as an etheric force functioning like a defensive filter, cleansing and restoring the IN-OUT exchange capacity of the etheric field.

Combined with VIA LACTEA (the Milky Way), VENUS, and PIANETA TERRA (the planet Earth), it can greatly enhance manifestation practices, but its use is recommended only for experienced practitioners. Because thoughts will be amplified, thus enhancing the ability to attract events. But without a healthy, deep, and honest self-work, even negative thoughts can be amplified.

Le tessere vanno usate tenendole nelle mani oppure appoggiate sul corpo durante una sessione. Sono studiate per potenziare e rendere più efficienti le pratiche ed arti di "guarigione energetica spirituale", benessere e massaggio che come operatore hai già appreso. Ad esempio: Yoga, costellazioni familiari, meditazione, mindfulness, registri akashici, kinesiologia, qi gong, shiatsu, tuina, reiki, channeling, thetahealing, pranoterapia, medianicità, vie tantriche, Ricalibrazione Planetaria ed i metodi F-Aurea per le quali sono state create. Possono venire usate una alla volta oppure in combinazione le une con le altre. Ricalibrazione Planetaria® practice and Ignis Rebirth for which they are born, etc. But they can also be used alone, one at time, combined at the same time, or together with the others F-Aurea Cards and tools.

The concepts explained came from our fully autonomous study and etharical research. They may bear some resemblance with astrological knowledges but they do not. You can learn more on our pubblications and (future) books.

Così come ogni Campi Informativo F-Aurea, opera multidimensionalmente e non necessita di manutenzione alcuna, il Campo è eterno, così come descritto nei nostri libri e pubblicazioni.

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